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The Best Co-Host Experience

Time and Convenience

Managing a short term rental can be time-consuming. Property owners might not have the time or desire to deal with day-to-day operational tasks. Bulldog Properties takes care of these tasks, saving you time and effort.


Client Benefits

  • Daily and weekly professional cleaning services.

  • Minimal use of major appliances.

  • Lower wear and tear than long term tenants.

  • Free professional photographs of your property.

  • Free smart technology in your home for the life of the agreement.

  • Automatic monthly rent payments.

  • Exposure to a business professional network.



If you live far away, it can be challenging to manage your property effectively. Bulldog properties has a proven system and team to keep your occupancy numbers high and monthly paychecks rolling in no matter the location. 


Seamless Bookings

Bulldog Properties effortlessly handles your bookings through our technology partners and direct booking website. We will create and update your rental listing, as well as provide an unforgettable experience throughout the life cycle of every guest.


Market Pricing

Not only do we have a strong understanding of nationwide rental markets and submarkets, but we also utilize dynamic pricing tools. In turn, this will maximize your rental income while remaining competitive.



We have experience and expertise in property management laws, regulations, and best practices. We will ensure that the property complies with local housing laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.


Property Maintenance

We will coordinate regular maintenance and repairs, ensuring that the property is well-maintained and addressing issues promptly. This helps preserve your property's value and keeps guests satisfied.


24-7 Emergency Response

Bulldog Properties responds to emergencies, such as plumbing or electrical issues, even outside of regular business hours. This is crucial for guest satisfaction and property protection.


Peace of Mind

Ultimately, we provide peace of mind to property owners. We handle the complexities of co-hosting allowing owners to enjoy the benefits of property ownership without the associated stress and hassle.



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